Monday, October 26, 2009

2 a.m.

I've been home for three nights now, and it's freaking me out to find myself being roused from my sleep at exactly 2:00 a.m. The first two nights it happened, I thought it was just a coincidence staged by my unwilling subconscious, whose bedtime back in Los BaƱos is always at 2am - so I don't think she enjoys very much being at rest at an earlier time. But last night, it happened again.

I keep complaining about it to everyone in the house, but they all seem to think I'm just still adjusting to being home. I can't quite explain to them the terror I feel when I look at my cell phone clock and see the numbers 2:00 imprinted on the screen for three nights in a row now.

Call me crazy, but I feel like God wants me to do something. I just don't know what it is. And worse, I don't know if it's really God waking me up - or something else.

"Are you there, God?" 

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